Innovation is Key to Accelerating Joint Force Readiness
BILT mobile 3D instructions are made for modern warfighters & maintainers
This article was originally published in Army Daily News.
WASHINGTON, DC, October 9, 2022 – Today’s recruits were born after the attacks on September 11; they cut their teeth on Call of Duty and are especially adept at navigating a 3D landscape. Though BILT Intelligent Instructions were initially created to help consumers set up Weber grills, military leaders recognize the potential of 3D interactivity and how it speaks to 21st century warfighters. Next-gen soldiers intuitively understand what they need to do to get the job done with BILT.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III told the House Armed Services committee that military establishments that don’t innovate “get left behind.” As part of the 2023 Defense Budget Request, Austin explained that building an enduring advantage for the future Joint Force means accelerating force development, implementing technology more quickly, and investing “in the extraordinary people of the Department, who remain our most valuable resource.”
As an award-winning commercial solution, the BILT app provides official 3D instructions for thousands of products from hundreds of leading brands. Millions of consumers use BILT for assembly, installation, maintenance, and repair. The cloud-hosted instructions are interactive, so users can manipulate 3D animations on a touchscreen to view from any perspective.
BILT is available worldwide. Hundreds of instruction sets can be downloaded to a single mobile device, saving space, weight, and fuel. BILT improves safety and efficiency while fostering cross-functional education and training. Through the BILT portal, data analysts have access to warfighter feedback to define the most efficient training and maintenance standards.
In the 21st century, military establishments that don't innovate "get left behind," Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III told the House Armed Services Committee.
“BILT is poised to help create a Joint Force that is lethal, resilient, sustainable, agile, and responsive,” says BILT President & COO Ahmed Qureshi. He says BILT was a finalist in the Army xTech competition and has won several Air Force SBIR contracts. “Our warfighters deserve this cutting-edge tool to modernize the force for strategic competition.”