Our Story
BILT® empowers people by providing better instructions.
About BILT
The concept of a 3D assembly experience originated one evening in June 2012 when a software sales executive attempted to assemble a sandbox for his toddlers. The materials were high quality, but it took “way too long” because the paper instructions were “beyond dismal.” His dilemma underscored a job to be done: create something better.
He’d seen 3D instructions in use in the aerospace industry and wondered if they could be created for consumer products. He bought a $40 IKEA table and found the CAD online and asked his engineer colleagues to create the first set of 3D interactive instructions. The concept was developed inside SAP’s Innovation and User Experience Design incubator. BILT spun out of SAP in the fall of 2016.
Our Mission
BILT creates an experience so enabling and empowering, it transforms users into promoters of the brands we serve.
We convert manufacturers’ CAD into interactive, cloud-based 3D instructions. Beyond 3D assembly, installation, set up, programming, maintenance, and repair, BILT provides warranty storage and receipt capture. BILT is a virtual filing cabinet of information for everything you own.
BILT’s 3D experts have mastered the art of instructions and are dedicated to enabling consumers and technicians alike to become wildly successful at even the most complicated tasks.
"I wondered initially why I would want the app to build the playset we bought. Well, I'm converted, to the point I'd recommend the product to someone else just because of it, and I'd shop for products that use it just because..."
Review of the BILT experience on the App Store

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